Anat Berko just recently completed her October campus tour, visiting ten campuses that stretched from Florida to Ohio.

Recap of Dr. Berko’s Eastern tour of the US:

  1. October 7: Binghamton University
  2. October 8: Florida Atlantic University
  3. October 9: University of Southern Florida
  4. October 9: University of Central Florida
  5. October 10: University of Florida
  6. October 11: Florida State University
  7. October 14 : American University
  8. October 15: Ohio State University
  9. October 16: Alabama State University
  10. October 17: Tulane University
Dr. Anat Berko

Dr. Berko captivated her audiences in her discussions of suicide terror, and the psychological and sociological patterns she has observed in her many interviews with those who have attempted to carry out suicide attacks. A great portion of Dr. Berko’s research focuses on women and girls who are involved in terror, as well as their relationships with their dispatchers. Indeed, Dr. Berko delves deep into the mind of a terrorist as she seeks to understand, on a human level, how it is that one becomes drawn to a path of terror.

“I want to personally thank you for including USF in the “Less Hamas More Hummus” program. It was an absolute reward to host Dr. Anat Berko. It was enlightening for the students to hear her speak about the dangers of terrorism. She gave a unique and diverse perspective by using case studies from Pakistan and Iraq. She also provided students with knowledge that they never possessed before about women and children who became shahids. The feedback from the students was amazing, and we would like to continue to be included in any of these events in the future.”Anat Valdman, Program Director of Florida Hillels of the Suncoast

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Ariella Charny

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