Violence and hate in a TV movie broadcasted by the official PA TV channel
Yassin and Abu Yasser play the main roles in a movie where Palestinian kids and adolescents attack a gruop of Israelis. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

EFE: highest score in activism
The victim has a name too: Sarah Sharon. She was 38 years old when she was stabbed to death while walking in the city. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Fixation and omissions
The main Spanish-language media echoed the Israeli decision to build new homes in the “settlements”, omitting mention of the Oslo Agreements that do not contain any prohibition to build. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

EFE: Fiction or journalism
EFE repeats and spreads inaccurate information. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

BBC template article on ME talks turns 878 houses into ‘around 1,000′
Recent BBC reports on peace talks include a collection of misleading template statements. (BBC Watch)

BBC still failing to report missile fire from Gaza Strip
The majority of missile fire from the Gaza Strip continues to go unreported to BBC audiences. (BBC Watch)

Presspectiva Prompts ‘The Marker’ Correction
‘The Marker’ corrects a story that falsely claimed that Dutch retailers were boycotting products from the West Bank (Presspectiva)

Presspectiva Prompts Ha’aretz Correction
Ha’aretz corrects graphic incorrectly, stating that the new EU guidelines applied to all EU member states. (Presspectiva)


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